Dr Boon Ham
Dr Boon Ham is an Ophthalmic Surgeon who began to acquire his ophthalmic experience as a Senior House Officer in Ophthalmology at Arrowe Park Hospital, Liverpool England in 1994. He gained entry into registrar training at Sydney Eye Hospital in 1997 and completed his final year training as a fellow in glaucoma with Mr A. McNaught at Cheltenham General Hospital in England, 2000.

In 2001, Dr Ham worked with Professor A. Moore at Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge dealing predominantly with paediatric patients with rare genetic diseases. During that period, he travels between Cambridge and London attending clinics with Mr Moore at Moorfields Eye Hospital.
Currently, Dr. Ham consults as a solo private surgeon as well as consulting at the Perth Children’s Hospital. He has theatre access to Perth Eye Hospital and Southbank Day Surgery.
Since returning to Perth, he eventually found and establish his current consulting office in South Perth, 2005.
Dr Ham provides prompt and comprehensive ophthalmic services for both adult and paediatric patients, with a broad range of experience in the management of:
- Cataract surgery / sutured intraocular lens / refractive lens exchange / reconstruction
- Pterygium surgery + conjunctival graft
- Glaucoma (medical / surgical)
- Strabismus surgery (adult and paediatric)
- Lid surgery (ectropion / entropion / lid tumour management with reconstruction post MOH surgery / ptosis repair / blepharoplasty)
- Corneal transplant
- Probing / syringing +/- intubation with Ritleng tube
- Laser procedures for diabetic retinopathy / retinal vein occlusions / glaucoma / retinal tears
- Intravitreal injection of anti-VEGF and steroids for management of wet macular degeneration / diabetic maculopathy / retinal vein occlusions
I perform eye surgery(s) at Perth Eye Hospital, an excellent facility with which I have been associated since 2001. My rooms are equipped with modern investigative tools:
- The newly acquired OCT REVO NX 130 which is capable of performing 130,000 scans per second as well as OCT-A (angiogram) allowing detailed studies of the retina without the need of fluorescein injection
- New Optopol visual analyser, PTS 2000 for precise and fast testing of visual fields
- YAG laser and Argon laser used in the setting of post-cataract surgery, glaucoma and retinal problems
- LENSTAR LS 900, accurate, fast and reliable biometer
- Fundus camera (Canon and Compass)
Minor procedures are performed in the rooms which include intravitreal injections as well as lid procedures.